Humanae Vitae

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Commentary and Videos by Cindy Morales

4 Lessons

Leader Pack contains: 1 Study Guide (answers in the back) and Group Streaming.

Marriage is under attack. The encyclical Humanae Vitae has never been more relevant than it is today. Released in 1968 by the fearless Pope Paul VI, it was immediately controversial, even though it reaffirmed constant Church teaching.

The 31 paragraphs within concern the sanctity of marriage and of human life itself, but today, many Catholics ignore this outright in favor of convenience. What they fail to realize, as you will discover in this study, is how much happier their marriages and families would be if they simply trusted the words of Christ and his bride, the Church.

Cindy Morales takes you step-by-step through all of Humanae Vitae, revealing its unappreciated beauty. In 4 comprehensive lessons, you will learn:

  • How Pope St. John Paul II built on this encyclical in his Theology of the Body
  • Why total self-giving is the key to a happy, peaceful marriage
  • The four elements of authentic love: Freedom, Totality, Faithfulness, and Fruitfulness

Since the 1960's especially, we have seen a heartbreaking degradation of marriage, the family, and the marital act itself. The Catholic Church understands that human sexuality is sacred and signifies the love of God. The Church follows Christ in saying: “True love is why you exist. God loves you more than any two people ever could. He wants you to bring the delight of this love out to others, just as he did for you on the cross!”

Author: Cindy Morales and Fr. Pavone
Lecturer: Fr. Pavone
Lessons: 4 Lessons
Length: 26 minutes (avg)
Publication Date: 2008
1 Parish Streaming License (with no expiration)

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