New Testament and Psalms for Men

(30 reviews) Write a Review
Perhaps more than ever before, men need to be men. But what it means to be a man has been twisted into a pale and mangled image of true manhood. True manliness can be found in Christ himself. This handsome new edition of the New Testament and Psalms (RSV-CE) is designed especially for those men striving to sacrifice, pray, fight, love, and live by the example of Christ. 

This New Testament and Psalms is the perfect daily companion for fathers, husbands, sons, brothers, and priests. Its rugged cover is attractive and durable, making it perfect for daily use.

In addition to the New Testament and Psalms, special inserts containing prayers, writings from the saints, and more dot the interior, offering even more tools for men trying to live a Christ-like life.



Saint Benedict Press
Publication Date:

30 Reviews

  • 4
    Lay Catholic

    Posted by Alfred D. on Apr 25th 2022

    Just purchased this. It was a super bargain at $10.00. I have pros and cons. Pros, the print size is great. I also like the fact that it is RSV/CE, instead of the RSV/CE2. I prefer the formal language in the psalms. It seems more dignified when addressing God. Cons, first I wish it was a red-letter edition. I have complete bible from this publisher, and it is red letter and I really love it. My biggest complaint are the various inserts. They are ae great, but wish they were printed on the same type of paper as the rest of the volume. By using such heavy paper, it makes the book very stiff and difficult to keep open. Certainly, can't lay it flat. Having said that, at $10.00 it is a real value.

  • 3
    Great Concept, Poor Book Design

    Posted by Donald on Apr 24th 2022

    When I saw that this book was on sale, I leapt at the opportunity. I was looking for a New Testament I could take with me to adoration. There are things that I like about this book. I like that it’s the RSV-CE. I like the content of the supplemental material. I like the size of the binding and its feel in my hand. But I feel like it would be a better book (at least for me) if more care were taken with the formatting and design of the contents. My first confusion came with the fact that this is a New Testament and Psalms, but the Psalter in fact comes before the New Testament. I’ve come across many New Testaments that also have the Psalms, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen the Psalms presented first. While I love the content of the extra prayers and resources, I hate how it seems to be inserted at whatever point was convenient for the printing process rather than taking consideration for the integrity of the Scriptural text. I would have like better it if they had been placed all at the end, or between the New Testament and the Psalter, or at the very least between the Biblical books rather than in the middle of the text. The font is very legible, but the two column format of the Biblical books combined with the tall and narrow pages makes the two column format hard to read—the supplemental material is a lot easier to read by comparison. It’s a shame the Biblical portion isn’t as legible. I’m also disappointed that the margins are so small that it would be next to impossible to make any notes in this New Testament. I was very excited to order this book, but I feel very let down in the execution…

  • 4
    Lay Catholic

    Posted by Jeff C. on Feb 25th 2022

    Love it!!! The only thing I wish it had is the book of Proverbs.....