Q.A. Quizzes to a Street Preacher: Marriage (eBook)

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Q. A. Quizzes to a Street Preacher is a series of pocket-sized booklets perfect for street evangelization and rapid replies to questions about the Catholic Faith. Written by Fr. Leslie Rumble and Fr. Charles Carty, pioneers in modern evangelization methods in the first half of the 20th century, these pamphlets exude the concise and pithy wisdom of two experts in the field of convert-making. Comprising 32 pages each, these booklets are brief, systematic, economically worded, and right to the point. Subjects covered are the Bible, Purgatory, Indulgences, Confession, Marriage, Hell, Birth Prevention, the Eucharist, the True Church, and Virgin and Statue Worship. In Q. A. Marriage, find answers to 116 questions about marriage. This most holy Sacrament was instituted by Our Lord for the propagation of the human race and as a reflection of the inner life of the life-creating Holy Trinity. In this booklet, Frs. Rumble and Carty discuss both well-known and more arcane aspects of Catholic teaching on marriage, including:

  • indissolubility;
  • impediments to marriage;
  • remarriage of widows and widowers;
  • the Pauline Privilege;
  • separation, annulment, and apparent divorces of famous Catholics;
  • the sinfulness of divorce and remarriage;
  • raising Catholic children in mixed marriages;
  • Canon law v. civil law;
  • and far more . . .

The Church is deeply protective of the most holy institution of marriage, and the world hates her for it; this booklet shows how to defend this most sacred mystery of God's grace.

Leslie Audoen Rumble, known as "Fr. Rumble," was a priest and apologist from New South Wales, Australia. Born in 1892, he grew up in an Anglican family, but he converted to the Catholic Church. In 1924, he was ordained a priest for the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. He became famous for providing radio answers to questions about Catholicism broadcasted all over Australia and New Zealand. He also founded Radio Replies Press with Fr. Charles Mortimer Carty, an American priest from St. Paul, Minnesota, who had been performing a similar radio-apologetics program, the Catholic Radio Hour, as well as a street-preaching campaign, in the United States. (Fr. Carty was also known as a biographer of Padre Pio.) Fr. Carty spearheaded the American publishing operation, and the two priests became excellent "collaborators in the truth." Their work survives to this day as a testament to their zeal for apologetics and evangelization.

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