A Manual of Practical Devotion to Saint Joseph

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After Our Lady, it is the speculative tradition of the Church that there is no saint greater than St. Joseph. After all, this supremely humble man about to whom no words are attributed in Scripture, merited to be the foster-father of God Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ. What a sublime mystery; what a noble office; what a glorious man! St. Joseph is the single greatest male to ever walk the Earth, other than Our Lord Himself. Thus, aside from Our Lord and Our Lady, there is no better recourse we can have than him on whom even they depended in the Holy Family.

A Manual of Practical Devotion to St. Joseph serves as an instruction to the faithful on how to truly devote oneself to this remarkable humble and just saint. Written in 1709 in Italian and translated in the 19th century, it contains tremendous insights on the person of St. Joseph, as well as reasons for our devotion to hymn and a well of prayers, novenas, and hymns. God chose St. Joseph to represent the ideal of fatherhood in the Holy Family; let us learn from him! The advice of Holy Mother Church is to "Go to Joseph." This book shows the way.

Fr. Patrignani, SJ
TAN Books
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2 Reviews

  • 5
    One of THE Best Books on Saint Joseph

    Posted by "LMC" C. on Mar 18th 2021

    This book is an incredibly valuable resource for prayers and meditations. There are daily devotions, and ones for specific occasions such as the month of March. This would be a DAILY go to for growing closer to Saint Joseph and for his cloak of protection. I have purchased multiple copies of this book; it is that great! There are extensive discussions of the reasons one would want to learn about Saint Joseph. An impeccably organized table of contents makes learning user friendly. Again a DAILY go to read. You will want this book on your nightstand.

  • 5
    A Manual of Practical Devotionbto St. Joseph

    Posted by Ann E. on Feb 19th 2021

    The mediations on the Holy Family really draw you in. Mary and Joseph actually living with the Word Incarnate. Profound! Your prayer life will never be dull. The history of devotion to St. Joseph and the miracles are inspiring. Indespensible!