Humility of Heart

(38 reviews) Write a Review

This is the greatest book on humility ever written and will likely be the best book you will read in the next 5 years (outside of Holy Scripture).  If everyone in the United States would adhere to the advice in this book, we would convert the world.

Here is how the book opens up:  

"In Paradise there are many Saints who never gave alms on earth: their poverty justified them.  There are many Saints who never mortified their bodies by fasting or wearing hair shirts: their bodily infirmities excused them.  There are many Saints too who were not virgins: their vocation was otherwise.  But in Paradise there is no Saint who was not humble.

Below are a few more gems of wisdom contained in Humility of Heart. Fr. Cajetan da Bergamo has assembled in this incomparable Catholic classic every conceivable motive for us to practice the virtue of humility.

  • "It is only by the measure of thy humility that thou canst hope to please God and save thyself, because it is certain that God ‘will save the humble of spirit.'" (Ps. 33:19—Page 60).
  • "As paradise is only for the humble, therefore in paradise every one will have more or less glory according to his degree of humility." (Page 75).
  • "Humility generates confidence, and God never refuses His grace to those who come to Him with humility and trust." (Page 93).

From every direction, he marshals up the reasons why this virtue is paramount in the lives of all Saints and of all those on the way of perfection. As no one will enter Heaven who is not perfect and as no one will gain perfection who is not humble, it behooves us all to apprise ourselves of the requisites for gaining true humility of heart, for once possessing this virtue, we can then make great strides in the spiritual life. But without it, we are simply deceiving ourselves regarding our spiritual progress and postponing the great work of our own salvation.

“The prayer of him that humbleth himself shall pierce the clouds.” —Ecclesiasticus 35:21

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38 Reviews

  • 5
    Very good

    Posted by Conor I. on Jul 1st 2022

    Very good

  • 5
    Wonderful Book!

    Posted by Carlene G. on Jun 28th 2022

    I read a little of this every day, over and over again. It is so dog-eared that I had to order another copy and ordered a few for friends. I know this is essential to our salvation.

  • 5
    Easy to understand

    Posted by Celeste W. on Jun 23rd 2022

    I helped me find some answers. Great spiritual guide for me.

  • 5
    Hard to put it down.

    Posted by Brandon O. on Jun 22nd 2022

    Hard to put it down. It describes everything I ever wondered so far about how to cultivate and keep this virtue. Very informative. Thanks.

  • 5
    Humility of Heart

    Posted by Michael G. on Jun 21st 2022

    I expect it to be great! Problem is... I haven't received it yet. I'm still waiting. I'll let you know when it arrives and I've read a few chapters. As it stands now, you can help by letting me know when I can expect the book. I'm looking forward to it.

  • 5
    These three book are a

    Posted by Tony A. on Jun 18th 2022

    These three book are a must read books…...for every lukewarm Catholic and the nonbelievers that our Lord Jesus Christ is full of mercy and the real presence in the Eucharist .

  • 3
    Humility of Heart

    Posted by Jean H. on Jun 18th 2022

    I did not think it was applicable to life in the year 2022. Centuries old advice. I couldn’t get past the first few pages to realize it was a mistake. I am awaiting refund from my return.

  • 5
    Extraordinary book. You cannot move

    Posted by Ana S. on Jun 18th 2022

    Extraordinary book. You cannot move in faith without this treasure.

  • 5
    Very inspiring.

    Posted by Princess M. on Jun 14th 2022

    Very inspiring.