The Devil and Bella Dodd: One Woman's Struggle Against Communism and Her Redemption

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“Step by step, I retreated from God and went forth to meet the world, the flesh, and the devil. . . . I’d join the devil himself. . . . There is no doubt that I traveled with him at my side and that he extorted a great price for his company.”

This is how Bella Dodd (1904–69) described her long battle with atheistic communism, an ideology her Church calls a “satanic scourge.” She later described it as a “school of darkness,” a school of “hate,” a school for which she was a master organizer and infiltrator of every organization—public, private, and even ecclesiastical.

Bella Dodd courageously left the Communist Party and its diabolical machinations. Her former communist affiliates then smeared her with epithets eerily familiar to modern ears, dubbing her everything from a “fascist” to a “racist.” Some things never change.

One thing that changed, however, was Bella Dodd. The man who helped pull her from the pit? A priest. A priest by the name of Fulton Sheen. Bella Dodd’s story thereafter changed dramatically from one of seduction by the devil to redemption through Christ. She dedicated the remainder of her life to a special penance: warning the world of the evil of communism and its plans.

In the battle between the devil and Bella Dodd, Bella and her Church won. At long last, here is her inspiring story.

Publication Date:
Mary Nicholas
Paul Kengor

7 Reviews

  • 3
    You need to respond to the Amazon review

    Posted by Mike G. on Apr 4th 2023

    To the authors and TAN books: there is a lengthy one-star review for this book on Amazon. The author makes a number of very good points which it would be good for you to address.

  • 5
    hidden truths come to light

    Posted by JOSEPH C. on Jan 20th 2023

    what a vindication of sen joe mccarthy's efforts and evidence of so many americans willful ignorance - all of kengors books are worth reading

  • 5
    The devil and Bella Dodd

    Posted by ELMER G. on Dec 23rd 2022

    How great thou art. Paul Kengor and Mary Nicholas have produced truth in words. What more can I ask? May the Good Lord Jesus bless this work.

  • 5
    If you want to truly

    Posted by DONALD S. on Dec 22nd 2022

    If you want to truly understand the times we are living in, read this book. When your finished, read The Secret of the Holy Face. Then light a candle before His crucified Face, and tell Him thank you for those who have brought these books messages to us.

  • 3
    Eye-opening information / Wordy

    Posted by JOHN C. on Dec 15th 2022

    The authors could have used a good editor because the writing is redundant. Specifically, we know that all of the events affect Bella, yet we are constantly reminded that the events affected her. Her activities as a Communist sympathizer and then as a Communist tend to become variations on a theme, although the authors do a good job of documenting everything. The intention of the Communist party to subvert the United States is chilling, and the authors perform a service in bringing it to light.

  • 5
    Great Book!

    Posted by Philip K. on Dec 14th 2022

    It make’s perfect sense why communists would have wanted to and did infiltrate into Catholic Church holy priesthood. If the Catholic Church hadn’t been founded by the Lord Jesus itself upon the rock of Peter, it would have been long destroyed. I think you would have to have blinders on not to see the ideology and wicked doctrine not a few infiltrators it seems at all levels in the Church (yes even and especially at Vatican) are continuing to try and destroy the Catholic Church by watering down the teaching or even trying twisting it to their whacked persuasion. We need much prayer and sacrifice !

  • 5
    A Biorgraphy Long Overdue

    Posted by John B. on Dec 9th 2022

    Professor Kengor's book is a sobering complement to Bella Dodd's autobiography, "School of Darkness". Both shoud be required reading for every public school student prior to graduation. Unfortunately, within the current political climate of the United States, neither book ever would be.