Entertaining Angels

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Commentary by Mike Aquilina

Videos presented by Fr. Mitch Pacwa

10 Lessons

Every Sunday, Roman Catholics (like many other Christians) stand to profess their faith in the God who created "all things visible and invisible." We also confess our sins in the presence of "all the angels and saints." But how often do we really think about these unseen creatures who are always ready to help us?

In 10 well-researched lessons, Mike Aquilina and Fr. Mitch Pacwa draw on the saints, the Catechism, and Scripture to remind you of the precious gift God has given us in the good angels. You will also find that learning about them helps you discover more about the God who created them!

Discover that angels are spiritual, personal, and immortal creatures, with intelligence and freewill, who glorify God without ceasing and serve him as special messengers of his saving plan!

Author: Mike Aquilina
Lecturer: Fr. Mitch Pacwa
Lessons: 10 Lessons
Length: 25 minutes (avg)
Publication Date: 2013
1 Parish Streaming License (with no expiration)
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2 Reviews

  • 1
    Entertaining Angels

    Posted by Sharron on Oct 26th 2021

    This is not a book. It is a binder filled with copied black and white pages which does the pictures a disgrace. They are not clear and some of the words are smeared or blanked out from being copied. I am in a bible study with at least 30 people who have also purchased this one as well as the next session and everyone is very disappointed in the quality of the copied pages. Not worth the amount being charged.

  • 1
    Entertaining Angels

    Posted by Smp on Sep 8th 2021

    We looked so forward to receiving our books for our large bible study class and everyone was so disappointed to receive a binder with Xeroxed black and white copies. For this price, we normally get books with beautiful inspiring pictures. Some of the binders were so small that turning the pages were almost impossible. The DVD on Lesson One has a small section of static on it. The study is such a fascinating and awakening class and could have been enriched by real books!